Dancing on Cheap Canvas
Both Michael's and Blick offer these small bundles of stretched canvas, like six 16"x 20" canvases or ten 12" x 12" canvases for a very friendly cost. For the past few months, it's been with these canvasses that I spend my time, experimenting, creating, destroying, running amuck with half formed ideas and explorations into happenstance.
I remember one whole batch of paintings - some pieces I really liked - they all wound up cracking to pieces upon drying. I layered the paint on waaay to thick. Ten pieces, gone in 48 hours. The day after painting, I was so excited to get back to the studio to see how they had dried...and lo and behold.
I'm discovering how to play with the paint in a way I love. There is so much freedom in submitting the creations to chaos, chance, and incidental miracles, and little by little I'm learning how to manufacture these miracles, coax the chaos, and take good chances. These are some of the results of recent experiments. All pieces are for sale. I'm looking forward to taking these shapes to larger canvases very soon.
The Ocean at Midnight
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas
for sale

The Subjectivity of a Clown
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas'
for sale

Turpentine Sunrise
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas
for sale

Green River
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas
for sale